As many of you know, Caelan Dean made his grand entrance into this world on Friday January 16th at 3:16pm! He is doing fantastic and we are so blessed to have such a precious addition to our family!!
So anyways, for those that are interested, here is the story of how it all happened!
Thursday 1/15:
Spent the day much the same as any other day. Wondering when he would finally come and agonizing over the delay in "action." They only difference was that for once I seriously had NOTHING on Thursday. No contractions, no pains, nada!
That night I went to bed and can only say that I just felt "off". I was slightly nauseous and just didn't quite feel right.
At 12:30am I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. When I walked to the bathroom there was a "trickle" down my leg. I definitely thought it was weird but went back to bed. I figured, if it was my water leaking then I would start contracting. But after an hour of nothing, I fell asleep again.
At 3:30am I woke up again to go to the bathroom. I had a weird cramp in my side when I got up and this time there were 3-4 "trickles" as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the light and there was some blood mixed in...that was when I knew it was the real deal.
Nick and I arrived at the hospital at 4:00am because I was Strep B positive and needed to be put on antibiotics. So they hooked me up to the IV and the wait began. Five hours passed of absolutely nothing. I had minor contractions about every half hour and literally felt completely fine. That is when they decided to start the pitocyn.
They started the IV at 9:00am and told me I should start feeling more steady contractions in about an hour. Well an hour and a half passed and nothing was happening. So they up'ed my dose.
At 11:00am the nurse came by and said that if I was ready, the Dr. doing the epidurals was going to be on the floor and I could get mine at that time. So, at 11:30am the Dr. came in to do my epidural and just as he was about to start my water broke and I went from no labor to active labor in a minute. My contractions were strong and about 2 minutes apart.
From there, things went very fast...and I mean very fast. I was fully dilated by 2:30pm and pushing by 2:45pm. Then at 3:16pm Caelan Dean made his grand entrance!!
He weighed in at 8lbs 10oz and 21.5 inches long! And is doing really really well!!
Check out our site for pics!