1. Amelia has been 100% potty trained for over 2 months now...this includes bed time! Big girl panties all the time for this little miss!!
2. Amelia now sleeps in a "big girl" bed and LOVES it! Caelan has switched to the crib and every now and then still sleeps with mom :)
3. Judy just left back for Michigan. She was here for a month helping out with Caelan and Amelia while I started back to work. She has been a god-send!
4. Caelan turned 4 months on May 15th and is continuing to light up our lives! He is such a happy kid! He loves to smile and laugh and "talk" your ear off! He is close to rolling over and we are just waiting for the day when he goes all the way!!
Anyways, check out some of the pics below! Hope you all are well and I will try to get better at keeping in touch!!
Sleeping in her big girl bed!
Ooooh! Lobsters!
At the zoo...
4 Months Old!
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