Monday, April 28, 2008

Gambling and a brush with fame...

So Vegas was amazing and we had a ton of fun (didn't win a damn thing...but no matter!)

On the way home Sunday, we flew into DC and had an encounter of the celebrity kind. Nick and I were walking to the bathroom when I almost ran into this girl walking the opposite direction. I was about to give the "glare" when I realized that the girl that I almost collided with was none other than Jennifer Garner. I quickly pointed her out to Nick and then followed her to see if the infamous hubby was at her side. Sure enough, he was and I promptly sat down across from them and continued to ogle. Unfortunately, my conscience got in the way of bothering them for a pic (despite the other celeb stalkers doing their fair share) so the best we can do is a quick camera pic that Nick took while they weren't looking.


AnnD said...

How cool!!! I am sooooooo hoping for a celebrity sighting (or a lot) this week!

Anonymous said...

They look so casual and relaxed

The Nelson Family said...

If I ever see Ben Afleck in person I will say, "Hey, aren't you the guy from the Bourne Identity!?"

Erin said...

I'm am so jealous. I always hope to run into famous people.

TAITx3 said...

Yeah, they were in DC for the annual Correspondent's Dinner with President Bush. You guys scored a major celebrity sighting. I'm jealous. JT