Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why I don't like Obama....

As most of you may, or may not know, I have always leaned a bit to the left when it comes to politics. In fact, I have been called a conservative liberal. However, I just can't bring myself to vote for a man who's followers, in my opinion, border on complete idol worship. I know some of you are "All for Change" but come on! Step back and realize just how fanatical the Obama followers, I mean "supporters", have gotten. Case in point, this photo was taken at a street fair in San Francisco...

If you don't find this disturbing, I feel sorry for you.


The Nelson Family said...

check out the anthem- dani

AnnD said...

Ummm....yeah...I'm voting for Obama but I do find that a little disturbing....ewwwwwww!

B# said...

So you won't vote for him because of how some of his supporters respond to him? Hmm, I hope (and in your case know) that political voting decisions are based on agreement/disagreement with policies.