Thursday, July 3, 2008

Like I said....

So true to my word...I suck at blogging. I envy those of you that are vigil at updating on your lives, myself on the other hand, not so much.

To try and make-up for my slacking here is a quick synopsis of life at the Squires':

We moved into our new place with the much appreciated help of Stephen and Jason Tait. It is finally starting to feel like a "home" and probably will even more once we finish painting the bathroom, which we started almost 2 weeks ago.

I finished school on the 23rd but promptly had to start (and then finish the following Friday) a grad class at Harvard Medical for AP Biology. By the way, Harvard Medical School...not what I thought. I was not very impressed...although they did have a small medical museum and I did get to see Phineas Gage's skull -- very cool.

My Grandpa Hewitt passed away on that Friday as well (the 27th) and it was really hard not being there. It was a peaceful passing and I know that he is in a much better place now. He requested that he be cremated and that there is not to be a funeral. So instead my family is waiting until we get home at the end of July to hold a "memorial celebration" (which in my Grandpa's terms means lots of drinking and good times) and then we are to spread his ashes over Lake Michigan. It should be very nice.

Other than that, I am struggling through the first trimester once again. Stupid nausea and vomiting! I can almost set a clock to my daily puking schedule. Awesome. My next appointment is this coming Tuesday and that also marks week I am PRAYING that it also will mark the end of all this nastiness and I can start feeling like a normal happy pregnant person. Expect some ultrasound pics...

Well there ya go...our life over the last 2 weeks or so. Sorry for no pics...I have yet to find the fire wire to download from the camera and also need to find our scanner. Ah the joys of moving...

Hope everyone is well...enjoy the 4th!

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