Sunday, May 24, 2009

Better late than never...

I have been seriously slacking on this blogging thing! So much has happened and I have not had the chance to update at all! So here is a brief run down...

1. Amelia has been 100% potty trained for over 2 months now...this includes bed time! Big girl panties all the time for this little miss!!

2. Amelia now sleeps in a "big girl" bed and LOVES it! Caelan has switched to the crib and every now and then still sleeps with mom :)

3. Judy just left back for Michigan. She was here for a month helping out with Caelan and Amelia while I started back to work. She has been a god-send!

4. Caelan turned 4 months on May 15th and is continuing to light up our lives! He is such a happy kid! He loves to smile and laugh and "talk" your ear off! He is close to rolling over and we are just waiting for the day when he goes all the way!!

Anyways, check out some of the pics below! Hope you all are well and I will try to get better at keeping in touch!!

Sleeping in her big girl bed!

Ooooh! Lobsters!

At the zoo...

4 Months Old!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Time Flies!

It is hard to believe that Caelan is already 9 weeks old! Where has the time gone!! Just check out how much he has changed in such a short time...

Just born...

One week old...

4 weeks old...

8 weeks old...

At his 8 week appointment he was 14lbs 6oz and measured 24" long...

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yesterday proved to me why you can never turn your back on a toddler!

I had placed Caelan in his car seat (unstrapped) on the kitchen table yesterday while I went about trying to clean up the kitchen. As most of you with two children know, getting any sort of household chore completed can be extremely difficult. I have done this trick with Caelan a number of times and he really enjoys it. In his car seat he can see me and I can talk to him as I go about my tasks. However, I usually do not have Amelia around. Unfortunately, I forgot that she is extremely curious, especially when it comes to her brother.

As I was cleaning, I had turned away from Caelan for no more than a minute when I heard a sickening thud followed by a loud wailing cry. I turned around and found Caelan laying on the kitchen floor and Amelia saying "Caelan fell down!" I PANICKED! I scooped him up and just remember frantically screaming "What did you do? What did you do?" to Amelia. I guess I called Nick and was so hysterical that he thought one of our kids had died. I was crying and Amelia was cowering in the corner. I managed to call the doctor and they said to bring him in immediately.

I managed to calm down and get both kids into the car. At this point, Caelan was calm and Amelia was confused and trying to understand what had happened.

We made it to the doctor and thankfully he said that Caelan looked just fine. From what I told him, he thinks that Caelan most likely did a somersault in the air and probably took most of the fall in his bum. Which is good since any other way could have resulted in a very serious injury.

I didn't punish Amelia because she did not do anything maliciously. She just wanted to see her brother. The fault was my own for leaving him unattended and in a very precarious position.

Anyways, I am happy to announce that we are all doing well today. Caelan is his smiley happy self and Amelia was in good spirits this morning as well. As for me, I am just glad that my children are ok and will definitely be more careful in the future.

Hope you are all well! Tomorrow Caelan will be 8 weeks old and I will be sure to post new pics!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birthday Postponed...

Yesterday marked Amelia's 2nd birthday! It is amazing to think that it has been 2 years already!!

Unfortunately, we have no pictures as of yet. For those that haven't heard, Amelia was diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday. Quite the birthday present! Her and I spent an hour at the doctor's and then another 45 minutes at the hospital for her to get a chest x-ray.

So tomorrow we are holding a belated little celebration for her with just Nick and I and my friend Sue who has become like an aunt to Amelia.

Anyways stay tuned for "birthday" pics! And if you haven't visited our Picasa in awhile you should! There are lots of new pics of Caelan and Amelia!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Birth Story

As many of you know, Caelan Dean made his grand entrance into this world on Friday January 16th at 3:16pm! He is doing fantastic and we are so blessed to have such a precious addition to our family!!

So anyways, for those that are interested, here is the story of how it all happened!

Thursday 1/15:

Spent the day much the same as any other day. Wondering when he would finally come and agonizing over the delay in "action." They only difference was that for once I seriously had NOTHING on Thursday. No contractions, no pains, nada!

That night I went to bed and can only say that I just felt "off". I was slightly nauseous and just didn't quite feel right.

At 12:30am I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. When I walked to the bathroom there was a "trickle" down my leg. I definitely thought it was weird but went back to bed. I figured, if it was my water leaking then I would start contracting. But after an hour of nothing, I fell asleep again.

At 3:30am I woke up again to go to the bathroom. I had a weird cramp in my side when I got up and this time there were 3-4 "trickles" as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the light and there was some blood mixed in...that was when I knew it was the real deal.

Nick and I arrived at the hospital at 4:00am because I was Strep B positive and needed to be put on antibiotics. So they hooked me up to the IV and the wait began. Five hours passed of absolutely nothing. I had minor contractions about every half hour and literally felt completely fine. That is when they decided to start the pitocyn.

They started the IV at 9:00am and told me I should start feeling more steady contractions in about an hour. Well an hour and a half passed and nothing was happening. So they up'ed my dose.

At 11:00am the nurse came by and said that if I was ready, the Dr. doing the epidurals was going to be on the floor and I could get mine at that time. So, at 11:30am the Dr. came in to do my epidural and just as he was about to start my water broke and I went from no labor to active labor in a minute. My contractions were strong and about 2 minutes apart.

From there, things went very fast...and I mean very fast. I was fully dilated by 2:30pm and pushing by 2:45pm. Then at 3:16pm Caelan Dean made his grand entrance!!

He weighed in at 8lbs 10oz and 21.5 inches long! And is doing really really well!!

Check out our site for pics!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And the days continue...

Apparently my uterus is way too comfortable, because this kid just does not want to come out.

And for all those in a similar situation or bit of advice:


So don't waste your time and money!

Here's hoping he comes within the week!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Supposedly 9 more days?!?!

Ok so the most frustrating part of pregnancy has to be the last two weeks. You are uncomfortable and swear every day has to be "THE DAY" only for the day to pass and for you to wake up the next morning feeling exactly the same as the day before.

Now I admit with Amelia I was continually hoping that she would go early, only she didn't and arrived a lovely 5 days late. With Caelan, I told myself, there is no way this kid is coming early and had resigned to the fact that he would either go right to his due date or be late like his sister. The latter I am dreading, especially since from what we can tell he is not a small kid!

The cruelty of this pregnancy is that I have had some serious bouts of nice hard contractions and pre-labor signs for a week now. In fact, last night my contractions were getting stronger and about 5 minutes apart! We called my midwife and she said to come on in! At last, this baby was looking to be on his way!

WRONG! After 4 hours of what looked like some good early labor, I remained 2 cm dilated and in an even crueler twist of the fates, my contractions slowed to 16 minutes apart and eventually stopped! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!

So the wait continues...and continues...and continues...

Anyone want to venture some guesses on when this kid will come? I am officially opening another pool just to keep myself occupied. So place your bets...when will this baby grace us with his presence?!?