Yesterday proved to me why you can never turn your back on a toddler!
I had placed Caelan in his car seat (unstrapped) on the kitchen table yesterday while I went about trying to clean up the kitchen. As most of you with two children know, getting any sort of household chore completed can be extremely difficult. I have done this trick with Caelan a number of times and he really enjoys it. In his car seat he can see me and I can talk to him as I go about my tasks. However, I usually do not have Amelia around. Unfortunately, I forgot that she is extremely curious, especially when it comes to her brother.
As I was cleaning, I had turned away from Caelan for no more than a minute when I heard a sickening thud followed by a loud wailing cry. I turned around and found Caelan laying on the kitchen floor and Amelia saying "Caelan fell down!" I PANICKED! I scooped him up and just remember frantically screaming "What did you do? What did you do?" to Amelia. I guess I called Nick and was so hysterical that he thought one of our kids had died. I was crying and Amelia was cowering in the corner. I managed to call the doctor and they said to bring him in immediately.
I managed to calm down and get both kids into the car. At this point, Caelan was calm and Amelia was confused and trying to understand what had happened.
We made it to the doctor and thankfully he said that Caelan looked just fine. From what I told him, he thinks that Caelan most likely did a somersault in the air and probably took most of the fall in his bum. Which is good since any other way could have resulted in a very serious injury.
I didn't punish Amelia because she did not do anything maliciously. She just wanted to see her brother. The fault was my own for leaving him unattended and in a very precarious position.
Anyways, I am happy to announce that we are all doing well today. Caelan is his smiley happy self and Amelia was in good spirits this morning as well. As for me, I am just glad that my children are ok and will definitely be more careful in the future.
Hope you are all well! Tomorrow Caelan will be 8 weeks old and I will be sure to post new pics!