So although I am still only 34 weeks, I had my first trip to the hospital today. I went in for my normal appointment and while waiting my heart started racing and my blood pressure sky rocketed (it has been doing this on and off for about a week now). They quickly shipped me off to the hospital where I sat hooked up to the non-stress machine (so much fun) and had to have an EKG.
Turns out that I might have what is called Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) and that I most likely have had it my whole life, but for whatever reason Caelan is causing it to really act up. Basically SVT is when for whatever reason I have increased blood vessels to my heart which leads to increased nerve impulses resulting in a racing heart. I have always had a racing heart (seriously I remember it started racing when I was like 5 years old) and I have just dealt with it because it doesn't happen that often. However, Caelan is causing it to happen on a daily basis now and well it sucks. I get dizzy, light headed and headaches...not to mention out of breath.
So anyways, I have to take the rest of the week off of work and go see a cardiologist so that they can hook me up to a halter monitor (a mobile EKG that I have to wear for 24 hours). The good news is that it isn't life threatening and hopefully after I have Caelan will go back to only happening intermittently.
In other news, Caelan is healthy and doing well. Unfortunately for me and my pelvis, they are estimating that he is now about 6lbs and I have 6 more weeks to go...argh!!!
I will keep you posted on how my appointments go!